Steel or aluminum boats require special surface preparation and good waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection.
Remove rust and scales from the surface through sandblasting. Remove dust using a dry cloth or an air jet (do not use any solvent otherwise adhesion of the following coat can be impaired). If necessary degrease the surface with our antisilicone solvent SOLVENTE 102 before sandblasting.
After this stage the painting cycle changes depending on the part of the boat we wish to paint.
– Apply one coat of PRIMEPOX. It is advisable to apply this product with a brush, as this would facilitate the absorption of the product into the pores and the amalgamation of eventual impurities with the film.
– Where necessary apply one or more coats of our EPOXY FILLER, without sanding between the coats if they are applied within 16 hours from each other (at 20° C).
– Sand with medium-coarse sandpaper (n.120-120)

– Apply two or three coats of ROSTAR or BARRIER (coal-tar epoxy anticorrosive paint) with a total consumption of 0,5 litres per square meter. For a good adhesion it is necessary to apply the coats within 16 hours from each other (at 20° C). Otherwise sand the surface with coarse sandpaper between coats.
– Sand with medium-coarse sandpaper (n. 120-140)
– Apply one coat of FIBERGLASS PRIMER
– Apply two coats of our antifouling MARLIN CF (copper free) waiting 6 hours between coats and 24 hours before launching. It is advisable to apply a third coat on the water-line.
– Apply two coats of EPOPLASTIC waiting between 12 and 16 hours. If more than 24 hours, sand the surface with coarse sandpaper between coats.
– Sand the surface with medium-fine sandpaper (n.180-220)
– Apply one coat of polyurethane enamel EVERGLOSS and wait at least 6 hours (at 20° C)
– Water sand the surface with fine sandpaper (n.240-280)
– Apply a second coat of polyurethane enamel EVERGLOSS.